Interview / September 2023
In the studio with J D Rooney

Interview with J D Rooney during his time in residence on the Cob Award.

“I like finding objects – often ones that I’ve collected over time – which allow me to transport back to previous spaces. Thinking of this entry and exit, the space between them can often be filled with objects and materials that allow access to either side. As you mentioned, keys for instance are one of these tools that allow access to either entry or exit. It’s the last thing you hand over when you leave a home and the first thing you’re given when you arrive. I started using them within my practice last year, after having built a collection over some time.” - J D Rooney 

︎  Published: émergent magazine

J D Rooney, formed in water, installation view, Cob Gallery, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Cob Gallery.